It is never OK.
Domestic violence is a pattern of controlling behaviors, including physical, sexual and psychological attacks that one adult intimate partner commits toward another. Domestic violence happens in every part of the community to men and women of every race, ethnicity, class, age, ability or disability, education level and religion.
Domestic Violence:
- is purposeful and instrumental behavior.
- is not an isolated incident.
- is directed at achieving compliance from, or control over, the abused party.
- is a progression of violent behavior which gets worse over time.
- may appear to be directed against or involve the children, property or pets.
Are you in an abusive relationship? Do you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following?
- I am afraid of my partner.
- I cannot express my ideas, thoughts or feelings for hear of my partner’s reaction.
- My partner controls what I do, who I see and where I go.
- My partner often uses jealousy to justify this behavior.
- My partner puts down my accomplishments and dreams.
- My partner uses intimidation and threats to get his/her way.
- My partner uses our children and pets to manipulate and punish me.
- My partner shoves, punches, kicks or strangles me.
- My partner threatens to hurt or kill me.
- My partner makes me feel like there is “no way out” of the relationship.